Thursday June 26, Miss Marina has been invited to talk to the Guadalupe Town Council. She will be sharing about the community work being done in the town and inviting them to come and join it. Please pray!
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Busy summer in Guadalupe
It is shaping up to be a busy summer in Guadalupe. We have two summer program being run by Miss Marina and Miss Rose - with 72 kids attending! This is a huge jump from 25 last year. Further, we kicked off a 2 month long jobs program in Guadalupe. Run by our friend…
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Thank you for a fantastic 2013!
This is a great time of year to list all the wonderful things God has been doing in our communities over 2013. We give thanks for all these and for you, who are helping make a big difference in Arizona, by walking with our friends in these communities and to helping them unleash their assets…
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AZNT is now qualified for Arizona Working Poor Tax Credit!
Arizona Neighborhood Transformation is now qualified for the Arizona Working Poor Tax Credit. If you owe Arizona income tax, you can now donate up to $400 / family or $250 / individual each tax year and tax this same money as credit on your Arizona income tax form. In essence, you direct this money to…
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