Category Archives: Posts

The Sheriff Department visits Guadalupe

This week the Maricopa County Sheriff Department paid us a visit at the Guadalupe Learning Lab.  Deputies Martinez and Gaytan came by to talk with the kids, hang out, and generally get to know each other.   We are working to help improve the community - police relationships in Guadalupe and the first step in…
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The Guadalupe summer program starts to wrap up

[caption id="attachment_259" align="alignleft" width="300"] Tim and Eliza doing an activity with the little kids during a Guadalupe summer program[/caption] [caption id="attachment_260" align="alignleft" width="300"] Kenneth and Tim working on an activity for the older kids[/caption] [caption id="attachment_261" align="alignleft" width="300"] Pages made for writing the journals the kids will complete. Thanks to Elainne and Eliza for leading…
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Summer grows

The summer program is growing - almost 90 kids.  The Mercado is busy.  Meanwhile, the Sheriff department dropped off 10 boxes of books for our reading programs (Thank you!) and the kids have been busy cleaning up the Mercado grass areas to improve the appearance and help the community.  The job program continues and in…
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Expanding the involvement in Guadalupe

Lots of things happening in Guadalupe this week.  Thanks to the Maricopa County Sheriff Department for a great meeting between the Guadalupe kids / leaders and 6 Sheriff Deputies.  Very productive!  Thanks to Deputy Martinez and Gaytan and their friends - we hope this is the start of a productive relationship. Also, Miss Marina met…
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